3 analog outputs – Measurement Computing CIO-DAS160x/1x User Manual
Page 21
Isolated Grounds / Differential Inputs
Optimum performance with isolated signal sources is assured with the use of the differential input
setting. Figure 5-10 below shows the recommend connections is this configuration.
Figure 5-10. Isolated Grounds / Differential Inputs
Analog outputs are simple voltage outputs which can be connected to any device which will record,
display or be controlled by a voltage. The CIO-DAS1600 analog outputs are 4 quadrant multiplying
DACs. This means that they accept an input voltage reference and provide an output voltage which is
inverse to the reference voltage and proportional to the digital value in the output register.
For example, in unipolar mode, the supplied reference of
−5V provides a +5V output when the value in
the output register is 4095 (full scale at 12 bits of resolution). It provides a value of 2.5V when the value
in the output register is 2048.
Figure 5-11 shows the onboard reference internally jumpered. Both D/A outputs will have a range of
−5 to +5 volts. This is the default factory configuration.
In p u t
A m p
To A /D
A /D B o a rd
C o n n e c to r
C H H igh
C H L ow
S ig n a
l S ou
a n d A
/D B o
lrea d
y Iso l
ated .
A lrea d y iso la te d sig na l so u rce
a nd A /D b oa rd co n n ec ted to
a diffe re n tia l in pu t.
T he se g ro u n ds are
e lec trica lly isolated .
1 0 K
1 0 K is a re c o m m e n d e d v a lu e . Yo u m a y s h o rt L L G N D to C H L o w
in s te a d , b u t th is w ill re d u c e yo u r s y s te m ’s n o ise im m u n ity.