Guralp Systems CMG-DM24 User Manual
Page 69

Operator’s Guide DM-24 Digitiser
Issue G January 2003
The command is:
7 triggers
This returns the configuration report:
Triggering on Data from:
Tap#2 20s/s 70 = Chans 4 5 6
Tap#2 20 s/s BandPass: 2.0->9.0Hz
(Note: Channels 4, 5 and 6 correspond to the bandpassed versions of data on Channels
0, 1 and 2)
The trigger operating mode can be disabled simply by sending the command:
0 triggers
When a trigger is declared, the channels to be output are defined using the
TRIGGERED command. This takes 2 arguments, the tap number (0-3) and the
components (an integer defined from the bit values as for TRIGGERS defined above).
For example:
0 7 triggered
will cause all three components to be output at 200 s/s on triggering. The configuration
report will be:
Output Triggered Data from:
Tap#0 200s/s 07 = Chans 0 1 2