Guralp Systems CMG-DM24 User Manual
Page 37

Operator’s Guide DM-24 Digitiser
Issue G January 2003
For tap1: 07 in hex = 0111 in binary = channels 0,1,2
The environmental channels can be selected (when the hardware is fitted) in a similar
fashion, but in this case only 4 hex digits are required to set the appropriate bits -
msbit=channel#15, lsbit=channel#0.
For example:
Therefore the whole SET-CONFIG example will look like this:-
Enter set-config
Displayed Hex code to select DSP#1 'taps' { 0070,0000}
Enter 0007,0000
Displayed Hex code to select DSP#1 'taps' { 0070,0000}0007,0000
Hex code to select mux channels { 00ff}
Enter 0307
Displayed Hex code to select DSP#1 'taps' { 0070,0000}0007,0000
Hex code to select mux channels { 00ff}0307
Tap 0 200s/s 00(TAP#0 ‘register’ setting)
Tap 1 100s/s 07 = Chans 0 1 2(TAP#1 setting decoded)
Tap 2 20s/s 00
Tap 3 4s/s 00
Mux = 0307 = Chans 0 1 2 8 9(Mux selection decoded)
Port#0 9600 Port#1 9600 ok
Channel 9
Channel 8
Channel 2
Channel 1
Channel 0
0307 in hex = 0000 0011 0000 0111 in binary
Current settings