Guralp Systems CMG-DM24 User Manual
Page 44

Operator’s Guide DM-24 Digitiser
Issue G January 2003
During boot-up the units report their model type, firmware revision number, the system-
ID and serial number. This information is followed by the count of resets that have
occurred and the time of this re-boot from the internal back-up clock. The following
lines report the configuration of the unit sample rates, output taps selected, and the
baud-rates of the serial ports.
Typical digitiser re-boot status message:
The system will produce this status message whenever it is powered up. If this status is
reported at other times it indicates that the system has been reset by the built-in
‘watchdog’ monitor. This will occur if the system has suffered a corruption due to
external noise or power dips.
If the digitiser does not have a GPS unit connected for time synchronisation no further
status reports are produced.
When a GPS unit is fitted its operational status is reported and the behaviour of the time
synchronisation software will also be shown.
From a ‘cold’ start GPS will initially report ‘No GPS time’ and its last position from the
internally backed up status. All messages from the GPS that involve a change of its
status are automatically reported, repeated status messages are not shown to avoid
unnecessary accumulation of repeated information.
Firmware revision
System ID & serial number
Internal clock
Sample rates
DSP filter version
Selected tap, sample
rate and channel
Data port baud rate
GPS port baud rate
Selected 16 bit Channels