2 install the new release disk in the a: drive, 5 remove the old release disk from the b: drive, 6 place the new applications disk in the b: drive – Gasboy Site Controller II CPU User Manual

Page 9: 2 insert the new applications disk in the a: drive, 3 type a:bin/install, and press enter, 8 remove the disk from the a: drive

2 install the new release disk in the a: drive, 5 remove the old release disk from the b: drive, 6 place the new applications disk in the b: drive | 2 insert the new applications disk in the a: drive, 3 type a:bin/install, and press enter, 8 remove the disk from the a: drive | Gasboy Site Controller II CPU User Manual | Page 9 / 26 2 install the new release disk in the a: drive, 5 remove the old release disk from the b: drive, 6 place the new applications disk in the b: drive | 2 insert the new applications disk in the a: drive, 3 type a:bin/install, and press enter, 8 remove the disk from the a: drive | Gasboy Site Controller II CPU User Manual | Page 9 / 26