Additional routing configuration, Dynamic routing, Additional routing configuration -40 – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat User Manual
Page 80: Dynamic routing -40

Additional Routing Configuration
Vipersat SLM-5650A User Guide
Additional Routing Configuration
Basic routing is configured using the Routes page that appears under the Rout-
ing menu (refer to the SLM-5650A Installation and Operation Manual, P/N
MN-SLM5650A). Depending on specific customer network applications, addi-
tional routing features may have to be enabled and configured accordingly. The
configuration of OSPF dynamic routing and IGMP multicast routing is
described in the subsections below.
Dynamic Routing
The Vipersat OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) feature in the Comtech
SLM-5650A modem/router provides for dynamic routing functionality. Two
implementations of this feature are available, Full Enable and Announcement
With Full Enable, route changes from the Hub are broadcast to the Remotes via
a dedicated WAN-to-WAN multicast address. Route changes from a Remote
are unicast to the Hub. Static routes that are manually entered into the route
table by the operator are separate from these dynamic routes and are not
managed as part of the OSPF system (see the section “Creating the Static
Routes” on page 2-9).
The support for full OSPF functionality in the SLM-5650A modem causes rout-
ers that are external and connected to the Vipersat satellite network to “see” the
entire SLM-5650A network as if it were a single router.
The Announcement Only mode is implemented for Hub SLM-5650As that are
operating as the TDM Outbound for roaming Remotes (SOTM). When the
VMS writes a new route to the Hub TDM for a roaming Remote, the new route
will be announced on the Hub LAN.
If this SLM-5650A is in a network that utilizes dynamic routing, click on the
OSPF submenu item that appears under Routing (except for Expansion units) to
access and configure the Open Shortest Path First parameters for this unit, as
shown in figure 3-44.
With the exception of Topology (Mesh/Star), the parameters on this page are
used to configure the standard implementation of OSPF.
To activate the OSPF feature for this modem, select either Full Enable or
Announcement Only from the OSPF pull-down menu.