Chapter 3 — using the web server interface (wsi), Appendix a — network addressing, Appendix b — automatic switching – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat User Manual

Page 16: Appendix c — dynamic power control, Appendix d — glossary, Conventions and references, Chapter 3 — using the web server, Interface (wsi) -2, Conventions and references -2

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How to Use This Manual


Vipersat SLM-5650A User Guide

Chapter 3 Using the Web Server Interface (WSI)

Describes the use of the Web Page for configuring and monitoring the SLM-

5650A in a Vipersat network. Each HTTP screen is presented along with a

detailed description and related commands.

Appendix A Network Addressing

Supplemental reference information on binary math and network addressing to

assist with integrating the SLM-5650A into a Vipersat network.

Appendix B Automatic Switching

Supplemental reference information on the Vipersat feature that provides Load

switching (response to network traffic load), and Entry Channel Mode switch-

ing functions.

Appendix C Dynamic Power Control

A description of Vipersat’s DPC and its relationship to a SLM-5650A configu-


Appendix D — Glossary

A glossary of terms that pertain to Vipersat satellite network technology.

Conventions and References

The following conventions are utilized in this manual to assist the reader:

Note: Provides important information relevant to the accompanying


Tip: Provides complementary information that facilitates the

associated actions or instructions.

Caution: Explanatory text that notifies the reader of possible

consequences of an action.

Warning: Provides precautionary text that describes a potentially

hazardous situation. Failure to take or avoid a specified

action may result in damage to equipment.