Turbo product coding, New in this revision, V1.7.1 release – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat User Manual
Page 20: Dynamic routing via ospf, Dpc calibration for maximum power, Lan enhancements, Flow control, Turbo product coding -6, New in this revision -6, Flow control -6

Product Description
Vipersat SLM-5650A User Guide
tively enables the network to better handle connection oriented applications and
reduce network congestion, jitter, and latency.
The result is an economical and flexible network with bandwidth shared and
directed where it is needed for any mix of IP voice, video, and data traffic.
Turbo Product Coding
The Comtech Vipersat SLM-5650A incorporates a Turbo Product Codec (TPC).
TPC is an FEC technique that delivers significant performance improvement
when compared to Viterbi with concatenated Reed-Solomon. TPC simultane-
ously offers increased coding gain, lower decoding delay, and significant band-
width savings.
New in this Revision
v1.7.1 Release
Dynamic Routing via OSPF
The Vipersat OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) feature in the Comtech
SLM-5650A modem/router provides for dynamic routing functionality. Route
changes from the Hub are broadcast to the Remotes via a dedicated WAN-to-
WAN multicast address. Route changes from a Remote are unicast to the Hub.
Static routes that are manually entered into the route table by the operator are
separate from these dynamic routes and are not managed as part of the OSPF
DPC Calibration for Maximum Power
New controls relating to the calibration of the power control function—link
Margin and maximum transmission parameters (Maximum Data Rate, Maxi-
mum Modulation Type, and Maximum Coding Rate)—can now be specified by
the operator for site link budget calculation of the DPC Maximum Power value.
These numbers are applied to compensate and limit modulator output power for
a modem unit.
LAN Enhancements
Flow Control
Ethernet Flow Control can be implemented to manage limited network band-
width and/or data rate send/receive disparities. The SLM-5650A NP interface