Dynamic power control, Target eb/no, Dynamic power control -35 target eb/no -35 – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat User Manual
Page 75: Figure 3-42 dpc configuration (hub expansion, Demod)
Chapter 3 - Using the Web Server Interface (WSI)
Vipersat Configuration
Figure 3-42 DPC Configuration (Hub Expansion Demod)
Note: The following descriptions will refer to the SLM-5650A as either modula-
tor or demodulator for simplicity and understanding.
Before enabling DPC, the operator should verify that a demodulator at another
terminal is receiving from this modulator, and that there is a working communi-
cations channel from that receiving station back to the modulator terminal
(In-Band communications). Additionally, since DPC controls potentially the
full power range of the modulator’s output power, it is recommended that the
terminal be commissioned and calibrated before usage.
Tip: The DPC feature will not function unless the Outbound IP address is
defined in the STDMA screen for the Hub BC modem. See page 3-21.
Dynamic Power Control
The DPC feature can be set to either Enabled or Disabled using the pull-down
menu. The SLM-5650A is shipped with DPC turned off (Disabled) to allow
entrance link levels calibration during terminal setup.
To activate DPC for this modem, select Enabled then click the Submit button.
Target Eb/No
The Target E
is the desired operating receive level for closed loop servo
control and is set in the transmit modem. This is the value used for comparison
with the actual E
from the receiving modem. This information is processed
by the transmitting terminal for output power level adjustment as necessary.
To modify this parameter, enter a value from 0.0–15.0 dB, then click the
Submit button. The default value is 10.0 dB.