Stdma slot capacity, Stdma switch delay, Stdma slot capacity -31 stdma switch delay -31 – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat User Manual

Page 71: Figure 3-34 stdma slot capacity field, Figure 3-35 stdma switch delay field

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Chapter 3 - Using the Web Server Interface (WSI)


Vipersat Configuration

Note: Load switching must be Enabled for any SLM-5650A that will experience

changing load conditions in order for the VMS to dynamically optimize

network performance on these circuits.

STDMA Slot Capacity

This parameter field appears for Hub modems only.
The STDMA Slot Capacity parameter allows setting the threshold or level of

slot capacity at which the Burst Controller sends a switch request to the VMS to

switch the Remote from STDMA mode to SCPC mode.
A default setting (95%) is provided, but there may be unique network configura-

tions that require modifying the STDMA slot capacity value. To change this

setting, enter a value from 0–100% as shown in figure 3-34.

Figure 3-34 STDMA Slot Capacity field

STDMA Switch Delay

This parameter field appears for Hub modems only.
In order to minimize unnecessary switching from STDMA to SCPC due to tran-

sient conditions, such as a temporary spike in network traffic for example, an

STDMA Switch Delay parameter is provided. This setting is used to specify a

delay before a switch occurs.
A default value (10 seconds) is provided, but this value can be changed to

accommodate a unique network configuration or application. To change this

setting, enter a value from 0–50 seconds as shown in figure 3-35.

Figure 3-35 STDMA Switch Delay field