Bridged point-to-multipoint (bpm) routing mode, Multi-tdm tunneling mode, Stdma power hunt – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat User Manual
Page 22: Bridged point-to-multipoint (bpm) routing, Mode -8, Multi-tdm tunneling mode -8 stdma power hunt -8
Product Description
Vipersat SLM-5650A User Guide
Bridged Point-to-Multipoint (BPM) Routing Mode
Another option for Vipersat networks is the BPM routing mode that offers addi-
tional flexibility and scalability of the satellite network by providing a combina-
tion of routing and bridging functions. Note that this option is only available if
the NP BPM FAST feature has been installed on the modem/router.
Multi-TDM Tunneling Mode
STDMA Power Hunt
Power Hunt is a transmission power control feature for the Remote modulator
that functions while the Remote is in STDMA mode. This parameter provides
compensation for instances when the initial (baseline) power value is insuffi-
cient or during periods of impaired transmission, and assists in maintaining
return link integrity.
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