Router features, Network and bandwidth management, Dynamic scpc (dscpc) – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat User Manual

Page 19: Dynamic scpc ( d scpc)

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Chapter 1 - General


Product Description

Router Features

Fully Integrated Network Management using Vipersat Management

System (VMS)

Management Security {FAST option}
Multi-Transponder Mode (MTM) Functions
Dynamic Power Control (DPC) for Environment or Mesh Links
Upstream Bandwidth Management for Load, Scheduled, and Manual


Dynamic SCPC (dSCPC) Bandwidth-On-Demand
Satellite Roaming (SOTM)
Antenna Handover {FAST option}
Four Port 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet LAN/WAN Interface
Router and Bridged Point-to-Multipoint (BPM) Modes {FAST option}
Per Route IP Filtering
Multi-Protocol Support
Software Version Management via WEB, FTP, or VLoad

Network and Bandwidth Management

The Vipersat network solution integrates this advanced modem/router with the

powerful network management tool, the Vipersat Management System (VMS).

The VMS provides for traditional monitor and control of the SLM-5650A

modem, but more than just an M&C package, the VMS offers unique bandwidth

management that is ideal for IP-switched networks. Short data transfers are typi-

cally executed using a shared Selective Time Division Multiple Access

(STDMA) channel, and when large amounts of data transfer, voice, and/or

video communications are needed, modems can be automatically switched to a

dedicated SCPC channel.

Dynamic SCPC (dSCPC)

The VMS allows for dynamic point-to-point mesh connections to be established

between remotes. Traffic inbounds from remotes can be switched: manually or

automatically, load triggered, or scheduled, from shared STDMA (burst) mode

to a dedicated SCPC connection. Once the session is completed, the remote is

automatically switched back to shared mode.
While in SCPC mode, the VMS provides for dynamic bandwidth allocation,

automatically altering the bandwidth based on traffic conditions. This effec-