Burstmap multicast ip, Burstmap multicast ip -20, Figure 3-20 slot data length (dynamic cycle) – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat User Manual

Page 60: Figure 3-21 burstmap multicast ip field

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Vipersat SLM-5650A User Guide

one spin of the STDMA cycle by each of the Remotes belonging to that group.

This is the amount of time that the Remote is provided to send data in the cycle.
Depending on the Hub type that is defined for the modem, the appearance of

this parameter will vary:

Fixed – Slot Data Length
Dynamic Slot – Nominal Data Length, Minimum Data Length
Dynamic Cycle – Maximum Data Length, Minimum Data Length
Entry Channel – Slot Data Length, Minimum Data Length
GIR – Minimum Data Length

On a Hub unit, enter the specified value(s) in milliseconds within the allowed

range, as shown in figure 3-20.

Note: When setting the Minimum Data Length, ensure that the slot length is not

less than the maximum MTU (1500 bytes), as this would prevent large

data packets from transmitting and result in the loss of data.

Figure 3-20 Slot Data Length (Dynamic Cycle)

Burstmap Multicast IP

This parameter is used to define the IP address for the Burstmap Multicast that

is sent out by the STDMA burst controller at the Hub to all of the associated

Remotes in that group. This address must be the same for all members of the

group. The burst map is a proprietary message sent from the Hub to all

Remotes, at regular intervals, specifying the relative start time and duration for

each terminal to transmit.
To set this parameter, enter the specified Multicast IP address (figure 3-21),

then click the Submit button.

Figure 3-21 Burstmap Multicast IP field