Management security, Sotm, Management security -12 sotm -12 – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A Vipersat User Manual

Page 52: Figure 3-11 disable sotm for remote

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Vipersat Configuration


Vipersat SLM-5650A User Guide

dancy (protected) configurations. The message interval is set by the managing

VMS which uploads it to the modem.
Activate this feature by selecting the Enabled radio button.

Management Security

Management Security is an optional Vipersat feature that provides encryption

on all VMS management messages passed between the VMS and the network

modems. When enabled, the VMS and all of the network modems must utilize a

common Encryption Key that is manually set on each. The key can be entered

either as an ASCII hex string of exactly 64 characters, or as a passphrase

consisting of up to 63 characters.
For modems that operate with Management Security, Enable this feature and

enter the Encryption Key that has been defined for the network.

Note: VMS version 3.7.1 or greater is required for Management Security.

Caution: During the process of network-wide key distribution and enabling of

encryption, communications may be lost as the STDMA control

messages will be unreadable until all modems in the network are


It is recommended that each of the Remote units be configured for

Management Security first, and then the Hub units be configured.

This method will reduce the need for on-site personnel during feature



This feature appears for Remote units only.
For Remotes that are not utilized in an SOTM (Satcom-On-The-Move) network,

this feature will be displayed at the bottom of the page as Disabled, as shown in

figure 3-10 above. When a Remote has been enabled for SOTM via a ROSS

unit, the feature can be disabled from the WSI Vipersat page by clicking on the

Disable SOTM button (figure 3-11). Note that the disable command will not be

executed until a Save operation is performed and the unit is rebooted.

Figure 3-11 Disable SOTM for Remote