Defining the quick response options tag (optional) – Avery Dennison Pathfinder 6057 LNT Programmer Manual using XML User Manual

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Defining Bar Code Options 4-13

D e f i n i n g t h e Q u i c k R e sp o n s e O p t i o n s T ag ( O p t i o n al )

Use the Options tag to define Quick Response-specific information. The Quick Response bar
code is identified by either qr or quickresponse.

Quick Response (QR Code) is a two-dimensional bar code, which is made up of square
modules arranged in an overall square pattern. A unique finder pattern is located at three
corners of the symbol. Four levels of error correction are available, along with a wide range of
symbol sizes.

Model 1 is the original specification.

Model 2 is an enhanced form that includes additional features.

The maximum number of characters depends on the type of characters entered for the batch
data and differs for the two models of QR Code.

QR Code can accommodate Japanese Kana and Kanji characters and has a variety of
applications, including marking spark plugs, radiators, printed circuit boards, and test tubes.
Refer to the AIM International Symbology Specification for more details about data

Valid values include: a 32-bit unsigned decimal number.

It contains the following attributes: model, mpclstyle, security, datamode, barcodemode,
paritybyte, codenumber, and codecount.


barcodemode=”value” paritybyte=”value” codenumber=”value” codecount=”value” />


Bar code models. The de fault is 2. There a re t wo models: 1 and 2.


Use the mpclstyle to define this bar code. The defa ult is 0. Options:

0 Use XML to define the ba r code.
1 Use the mpclstyle to define the bar code. See “

Usi ng MPCL S TYLE fo r the

Quick Response Bar Cod e

for more information.


Sets the error correction l evel for the bar code. Th e default is 2. Options:

1 High Density Le vel
2 Standard Level
3 High Reliability Le vel
4 Ultra High Reliabilit y Le vel

Note :

As you increase the error correction level, the ma xi mum number of characters (in the
bar code) decreases.


Describes the type of dat a entered in the bar code. The default is 1. Option s:

1 Automatic Mode Detectio n
2 Manual, Alphanumeric Mo de
3 Manual, Binar y Mode
4 Manual, Kanji Mode
5 Manual, Numeric Mode


Describes the bar code’s mode. The default is 1. There are t wo modes: 1
(Standard mode) or 2 ( Str uctured Append Mode).


Parity b yte. Use only fo r Structured Append Mode. Use a t wo-digit number i n
he xadecimal. There is no standard parity b yte. Th e default is 1. Range: 1 to


Use only for Structured A ppend Mode. The code n umber of the individual
symbol in the concatenated set. Use a t wo-digit n umber in decimal. The
default is 0. The range is 0 to 255.


Use only for Structured A ppend Mode. The total n umber of symbols in the
concatenated set. Use a t wo-digit number in decimal. The default is 0. The
range is 0 to 255.

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