Defining the barcodefield (required), Defining the data tag (required), Defining the volatile tag (required) – Avery Dennison Pathfinder 6057 LNT Programmer Manual using XML User Manual
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3-10 LNT Programmer’s Manual
Defining the Ba rc odeField (Re quire d)
The BarcodeField tag specifies how the bar code field appears on the label.
It contains the following attribute: id.
bar code field information
The identifier (name) of t he bar code field. Any ap plications using LNT should
reference this data. Use any 32-character ma ximu m (UNICODE) string. Do
not use the same name for t wo fields or an error occurs!
bar code field information
Specifies a bar code field called “UPCA” in the LNT file.
Defining the Data Tag (Required)
The Data tag specifies how many characters are expected in the field. It can also contain the
fixed bar code data.
If this field is Volatile, min and max are required attributes.
We recommend setting the min and max attributes.
Valid values include: Any Unicode string less than 2K characters.
It contains the following attributes: min and max.
Minimum number of characters in the field.
Ma ximum number of char acters in the field.
Specifies the data length from 1 to 12 characters in the bar code field.
Prints the fixed data 0123456789012 in the bar code field.
Defining the Volatile Tag (Required)
The Volatile tag specifies whether the field’s data is set at creation or print time. For data set
at print time, the user enters the data.
Valid values include: 0 (set at creation) or 1 (set at print time). The default is 1.
The data for this field is entered at print time.
To create a fixed bar code on a label, set volatile to 0 and add a tag with the
fixed data for the bar code.
Prints the fixed data 012345678901 in the specified bar code field (all required bar code
attributes are not shown).