Avery Dennison Pathfinder 6057 LNT Programmer Manual using XML User Manual
Page 50
4-10 LNT Programmer’s Manual
Y Yes
N No
Street address. The defa ult is “ “.
City name. The default is “ “.
Two character state identifier The default is “ “.
TrackingNumber="1Z12345675" OriginCarrier="UPSN" ShipperNumber="12345E"
DayOfPickup="089" ShipmentID="" PackageCount="1/1" Weight="10"
AddressValidation="Y" State="CT" />
Creates a MaxiCode Mode 3 bar code.
Additionally, MPCLII (Monarch® Printer Control Language) batch data for a MaxiCode bar code
can be included in the <Data> tag. Sample MPCLII MaxiCode batch data is shown below:
1,"[)>~030" |
C,"01~02996" |
C,"068100000~029" |
C,"840~029" |
C,"001~029" |
C,"1Z12345675~029" |
C,"UPSN~029" |
C,"12345E~029" |
C,"089~029" |
C,"~029" |
C,"1/1~029" |
C,"10~029" |
C,"Y~029" |
C,"~029" |
C,"~029" |
C,"CT~030" |
C,"~004" | }
The LNT file with the <Data> tag is shown below:
~029UPSN~02912345E~029089~029~0291/1~02910~029Y~029~029~029CT~ 030~004”
MPCLII continuation fields are not used in LNT.