AMETEK SLM Series Rev B User Manual
Page 29

SLM-Series AC/DC Electronic Load
M540072-01 Rev B
• During FREQ ON condition (see 15):
For frequency (“FrEq”) setting, displays DC, 0.1 - 70.0, Auto.
For bank (“bAn”) selection, displays 0 - 10.
For sync (“Sync”) selection, displays “ON”, OFF”.
7 PRES key and ON/OFF LED
Key toggles Preset mode and its LED on and off.
• During Preset OFF, PRES ON/OFF LED not lit:
upper DM displays the voltage input to electronic load as “Vrms” (Vrms LED lit)
lower DM displays the current flowing into electronic load as “Arms” (Arms LED
• During Preset ON, PRES ON/OFF LED lit,
both upper and lower DMs will have different displays depending on which mode
is active:
Constant Current mode (CC LED on), lower DM displays the setting value
of Level A/B load current as “Arms”, (Arms LED lit).
Constant Resistance mode (CR LED on), lower DM displays the setting
value of Level A/B load resistance as “
Ω”, (Ω LED lit).
8 LOAD key and ON/OFF LED
Key toggles Load and its LED on and off.
• Load OFF (LED not lit), electronic load returns to the condition set originally.
• Load ON (LED lit), electronic load is at the condition set originally and is ready to be
loaded with the load current of the AC/DC input power source.
9 WATT key and ON/OFF LED
Key toggles Watt mode and its LED on and off.
• Watt ON (LED lit) indicates the Watt VA condition of actual loading.
• Watt OFF (LED not lit) means Watt OFF, e.g., to indicate the voltage and current
condition of actual loading.
• During Preset OFF (see 7) condition:
upper DM displays the value in Watts consumed for electronic loading (“W” LED
is lit);
lower DM displays the value in VA flowing into electronic load (“VA” LED lit).
• During Preset ON (see 7) condition, both upper and lower 4-½ digit monitors will have
different displays with the change of working mode as follows:
CC Mode, the setting value of Level A/B load current displayed on the lower DM
with the unit as “Arms” and corresponding LED lit.
CR Mode, the setting value of Level A/B load resistance displayed on the lower
DM with the unit as “
Ω” and corresponding LED lit.
10 LEVEL key and Lo/Hi LED
Key toggles between Low, LED off, and Hi, LED ON to set the values of groups A/B for
rapid switching load current or resistance.
11 LIMIT key and ON/OFF LED
Key toggles between Limit ON (LED lit) and Limit OFF (LED not lit) condition:
• Upper DM displays upper limit of:
Voltmeter with the unit as “Vrms”.
Ammeter with the unit as “Arms”.
Wattmeter with the unit as “W”.