Chapter 1 - product introduction, Covered equipment, Front panel – Adtec digital RD-70 (version 1.02.04) Manual User Manual
Page 7: Chapter, Product, Introduction, Covered, Equipment, Front, Panel

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Covered Equipment
RD-70: 1080P59.94 MPEG 4 10 Bit / MPEG 2 Capable IRD. Transport Stream inputs
standard on ALL RD models include ASI and GigE. Video outputs standard on ALL models
include SD/HD/3G-SDI (x4, one output is SFP/Optical), Composite, and Digital Video.
Standard audio decode includes four (4) Dolby E pass-through and four (4) stereo pairs (8
mono) of MPEG 1 Layer 2 with an optional upper 4 stereo pairs (8 stereo pairs or 16 mono
channels). BISS 1 / E decryption included. Includes Genlock & Redundant AC power supplies.
Optional DVBS/S2 demodulator are packages available.
RD-70 w/ Advanced Demodulator (RD70-XX-ADV): RD70 (as configured above) +
Advanced Demodulator which adds Advanced Newtec Demodulator. Supports L-Band, DVB-
S 1 - 30 Mbaud, DVB-S2 1 - 30 Mbaud.
* Software Key field upgradeable to 16APSK.
RD-70 w/ 01 L-Band Demodulator (RD70-XX-LB): RD70 (as configured above) +
Advanced Demodulator which adds 01 L-Band Demodulator. Supports L-Band, DVB-S 1 - 62
Mbaud, DVB-S2 1 - 65 Mbaud.
* Software Key field upgradeable to high symbol rate (>30Msym/s), 16APSK, and 32APSK.
RD-70 w/ Premium Demodulator (RD70-XX-PRM): RD70 (as configured above) +
Premium Demodulator which adds Premium Newtec Demodulator. Supports L-Band, DVB-
S/S2, QPSK/8PSK 256kbaud - 45Mbaud*. Unit is CCT capable* ( 5%, 10%, and 15% roll-
off ).
* Software Key field upgradeable to 16APSK, 32APSK, and 45 Mbaud.
Front Panel
The front panel LCD and keypad can be used to configure and monitor your device.
- signEdje (version 02.07.09) Quick Start mediaHUB-HD 422 (version 1.01.10_M_2) Quick Start mediaHUB-HD Pro (version 03.07.19) Quick Start YUV2QAM (version 01.02.01) Quick Start EN-30 (version 1.02.02) Quick Start EN-81 (version 2.02.28) Manual EN-80 (version 2.02.28) Manual EN-100 (version 2.00.31) Manual EN-91 / EN-91P (version 1.02.29) Manual RD-60 (version 1.13.02) Manual