Unicast reception - address, Unicast/multicast reception, Unicast – Adtec digital RD-70 (version 1.02.04) Manual User Manual

Page 51: Reception, Address, Multicast

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where 0 <= xxx <= 255. If you are new to multicast and attempting a first time connection, is a common address to start with. Please verify transmitter address

Optionally, the source specific multicast address (The actual IP address of the sending
device) may be entered for IGMPv3 applications. Configuring the Source Address will allow
multicasts to be received from the entered address and entered address only. This
configuration is non-functional for Unicasts. For IGMPv2 applications, the source address
recommendation is

Unicast Reception - Address

To receive a unicast (TCP/UDP/RTP/SMPTE2022) stream, enter in the ‘Address’ field.
The unit will be ‘listening’ for any streams sent directly to it. Refer to your IP transmitter
documentation for proper configuration of the transmitter.

Unicast/Multicast Reception

Enter the port number in the ‘port’ field. The port number must match the port number
used on the transmitter where the range is 0 to 65535. When 0, multicast is disabled. If
you are new to multicast and attempting a first time connection, 2000 is a common port to
start with. Please verify transmitter port configuration.

Choose the IP Rx ‘Connector’ dependent upon your network setup. Adtec recommends
using the GigE port for all IP receptions.

Once IP Rx is configured, click Apply.

Visit the Input -> Service tab and click the ‘Select first found’ radio button to enable IP
reception. IP service names will populate in the service list.