Preparation/removal – Paxton Superchargers Ford Mustang GT User Manual

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4.1 PoWER STEERiNG RELoCATioN (2005-

2009 MoDEL S oNLy)

A. Locate the power steering assembly 4FU110-


B. Attach the P/S relocation bracket 4FU010-010

using the hardware provided to the P/S reser-

voir removed in an earlier section. (See Fig.


C. Attach the supplied 3/4" and 3/8" P/S hoses to

the outlets of the reservoir with the clamps pro-

vided. (See Fig. 4.1-b.)

F. Attach the hoses from the reservoir to the facto-

ry P/S hoses and secure with the supplied

clamps. Trim for best fit. Secure the hose to the

fan shroud away from heat and moving objects.

G. It will be necessary to trim the corner of the

radiator core support cover to clear the relocat-

ed P/S reservoir. (See Fig. 4.1-d.)

D. Attach the 3/4" and the 3/8" hose barb unions to

the factory hoses using the factory clamps.

E. Attach the reservoir to the passenger’s side

radiator core support using one of the factory

ground strap retaining bolts. (See Fig. 4.1-c.)

Fig. 4.1-a

Fig. 4.1-c

Fig. 4.1 -d



Section 1


Fig. 4.1-b