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maxOrderOutdate: Window of time for the validation of orders, in seconds.

timeDelayRestart: Waiting time to continue the tasks, in seconds. CirLamp remote management system configuration

Figure 66:CirLamp remote management system configuration.

On this screen,

Figure 66

, you can configure all the parameters for the

CIRLamp telemanage-

ment system.

ipStg: IP address.

stgPwd: Password.

stgPath: Path.

4�6�10�8� Communications interval

Figure 67:Configuration of the communications interval.

The nodes may not be on all day; for this reason, on this screen,

Figure 67

, the intervals for

communication between the nodes and the

CirLAMP can be configured:

activeFilterTime, This parameter selects the communications interval; the three possible

options are:

Enable: A fixed period of time is enabled to perform the communications. In this case,

the communications activation time is entered in

hourini, and the end time in hourEnd.

Disable: There is no fixed communications interval, the CirLAMP will try to communi-

cate with the nodes at any time, even if these are not connected.

NB: This option is not recommended if the nodes are stopped during the day.

Automatic: The CirLAMP will calculate sunrise and sunset using geolocation. The


hourini and hourEnd are calculated automatically.


Instruction Manual

CirLAMP system