Page 58 Communications configuration
Figure 60: Communications configuration.
On this screen you can configure the following communications configuration parameters:
dcPwdAdm: Web site access password for a user with write access.
dcPwdRead: Web site access password for a user with read access.
ipCom: IP address.
ipMask: Subnet mask.
ipGtw: Gateway.
ipDhct: Option to configure or not configure the network automatically (DHCP).
DhcpIdentifier: DHCP client identifier.
primaryDns: primary DNS IP.
secondaryDns: secondary DNS IP.
ipLoc: IP address for local communications.
ipMaskLoc: Subnet mask for local communications.
portWS: Receiver port for communications from the WS.
pse: Serial port speed.
accinacTimeout: Duration of inactivity, in minutes, before a session is closed.
accSimulMax: Maximum number of sessions allowed simultaneously.
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