Altera Active Serial Memory Interface User Manual

Altera asmi parallel ip core user guide, About this ip core

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Altera ASMI Parallel IP Core User Guide




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About This IP Core

The Altera ASMI Parallel IP core provides access to erasable programmable configurable serial (EPCS),

quad-serial configuration (EPCQ), and low-voltage quad-serial configuration (EPCQ-L) devices through

parallel data input and output ports.
An EPCS device is a serial configuration device that you use to perform an active serial (AS) configuration

on supported Altera



An EPCQ/EPCQ-L device is a serial or quad-serial configuration that supports AS x1 or AS x4 configura‐

tion scheme. During AS configuration, the Altera device is the master and the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L

device is the slave.
The Altera ASMI Parallel IP core implements a basic active serial memory interface (ASMI). To use this

IP core, you do not need to know the details of the serial interface and the read and write protocol of an

Note: Beginning from the Quartus


II software version 14.0, the name of this IP core has been changed

from ALTASMI_PARALLEL to Altera ASMI Parallel IP core.

You can perform the following tasks with the Altera ASMI Parallel IP core:
• Read the EPCS silicon identification (device identification)

• Protect a certain sector in the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device from write or erase

• Read the data at a specified address from the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device

• Perform single-byte write to the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device

• Perform page write to the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device

• Read the status of the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device

• Erase a specified sector on the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device

• Erase a specified die on the EPCQ-L512 and EPCQ-L1024

• Erase memory in bulk on the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L256/EPCQ-L512 device
The memory in the EPCS/EPCQ/EPCQ-L device contains two sections:
Configuration memory—contains the bitstream of the configuration data

General purpose memory—used for an application-specific storage


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