Pilz PMCprimo DriveP.12/AA0/4/0/0/208-480VAC User Manual

Page 40

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9 Project window


Position Data

Axis type [


] :

Here you select whether the axis is to be operated as a linear or a rotary axis.

Linear axis

A linear axis is an axis with a limited range of travel. A linear axis moves
within the traversing limits that are given by the software limit-switches, both
absolutely and relatively. A reference point must be set.

Modulo axis

Axis with a limited range of movement. The minimum position is SRND and
the maximum position is ERND-1. If the maximum position ERND-1 is
reached, it automatically switches over to SRND. The absolute target
positions have to be in the defined range. If a motion task is started, which
has a absolute position outside the range, a warning "n08" is displayed
(wrong motion task). Relative moves are calculated in a way, that the target
position always is in the defined range. A positioning in a axis like this, gives
two possibilities of direction to the target position. DREF gives the possibility
to restrict the direction. This axis type also needs a homing move.

Max. Following Error [



The following error is the maximum difference (+/- window) between the position setpoint and
the actual position that is permitted during processing. If the value leaves this window, then the
position controller generates an error message and brakes the drive, using the emergency

In-Position window [



Sets the InPosition window. Determines at which distance from the set position the „InPosition“
message should be reported. The drive moves precisely to the target position.

Modulo Start-Position [



The SRND parameter is used to define the start of the range of movement for a modulo axis.

Modulo End-Position [



The ERND parameter is used to define the end of the range of movement for a modulo axis.

V max(pos.) [



This parameter is used to adjust the maximum speed of movement to suit the limits of the
operative machinery.

V max(neg.) [



The parameter PVMAXN defines the maximum velocity (in the negative direction) that is
permitted for a motion task.

Page 40

User Manual for Setup Software PDrive

This manual is related to the following products: