Step four: run a presentation session – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
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TurningPoint for Office 2003 User Guide
Step Four: Run a Presentation Session
Optionally, add names and other participant information to the new Participant List.
Participant Information
Click Done to close the Participant Information window.
Next Steps
Find more information about Participant Lists in Chapter 5: Track Participants and Teams.
Step Four: Run a Presentation Session
TurningPoint uses PowerPoint’s Slide Show capabilities to present the interactive slides that have been
created. Test slides during development and run the presentation for the audience by executing the
following steps.
Before You Begin
Use either an installed Response Device Receiver, Keyboard Keys 0-9, or select to use Simulated Data
before attempting to run the presentation. A Participant List is recommended for use, but a presentation
session can still be run by selecting Anonymous or Auto for the Participant List.
To run a presentation session…
From the PowerPoint menu, select File > Open and select the TurningPoint presentation to be used.