Delete a participant list – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual

Page 166

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TurningPoint for Office 2003 User Guide


Manage Participant Lists


Select a participant list from the Participant List drop-down menu.

Participant List Drop-down


Click Participants on the TurningPoint Toolbar and select Participant List Display.

Delete a Participant List

This section describes how to remove a Participant List from TurningPoint.

Before You Begin

Deleting a Participant List sends the file to the computer’s Recycle Bin. Save a backup copy in another
location if you would like to be able to access the file later.

To delete a Participant List…


Click Participants on the TurningPoint Toolbar and select Delete a Participant List.

Participants Menu

TurningPoint displays a window listing all Participant Lists that have been created or imported.