Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
Page 216
TurningPoint for Office 2003 User Guide
Run a Presentation
The TurningPoint Settings window opens.
Settings Window
Use these settings to establish the settings for the entire presentation. You can establish the settings
for a specific slide or answer by selecting that slide or answer, respectively, from the Settings Hierarchy.
Find more information about modifying settings in Response Device and Settings Management on
page 115.
These settings affect what is displayed in each box of the Response Grid. You must select the All
Settings radio button to view these settings.
Display Device IDs—select True to include the device ID field in the Response Grid.
Display Participant Names—select True to display the participant’s name in the Response Grid. If set
to False, the cell size is determined by the largest device ID in the participant list.
These settings affect how the Response Grid is displayed.
Grid Opacity—enter a percentage to identify how opaque the Response Grid should be when
Grid Position—choose a selection from the menu to identify where the Response Grid should be
positioned on the screen. The selections include Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Center, TopLeft, TopRight,
BottomLeft, and BottomRight.
Grid Rotation Interval—enter the number of seconds per interval the Response Grid takes to rotate
through responses. This is needed when there are too many participants to fit in one grid.
Grid Size—identifies how wide and tall the Response Grid should be on the screen. The height and
width are measured in pixels. The default width is 800 and the height is 600.
Use Scheme Colors—Determines if Scheme Colors or Custom Colors will be displayed on the
Response Grid as established in Chart Settings.
Next Steps
After establishing the settings, you are now ready to run the presentation.