Tour of the turningpoint toolbar – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual

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TurningPoint for Office 2003 User Guide


Tour of the TurningPoint Toolbar

Tour of the TurningPoint Toolbar

When you launch TurningPoint, PowerPoint opens and the TurningPoint Toolbar is displayed beneath the
PowerPoint toolbars, as the following image depicts:

TurningPoint Toolbar

The following descriptions define the buttons that make up the tools in the TurningPoint 2008 Toolbar:


Allows you to view information about your TurningPoint Software. It also
shows licensing information for the receiver you are using, and it provides
a mechanism to supply feedback to Turning Technologies for support


Displays a menu of options to clear the current user response data to start
a new session or reset individual slides for polling. Find information about
polling the audience in Chapter 7: Run Presentations.

Continue Prior Session

Opens a previously saved session. A session is a run-through of a
presentation where an audience has submitted responses to some or all
of the questions. Find information about continuing a prior session in
Chapter 9: Sessions.

Save Session

Stores the current session. Find information about saving sessions in
Chapter 9: Sessions.

Insert Slide

Displays a menu of TurningPoint slide types that allows you to select from
in order to create a presentation. Find information about TurningPoint
slides in Chapter 3: Creating and Saving Slides.

Convert to Picture Slide

Assigns pictures as answers in place of text. Find information about
picture slides in Chapter 3: Creating and Saving Slides.

Insert Object

Displays a menu of items to enhance a TurningPoint slide. Find
information about slide options in Chapter 3: Creating and Saving Slides.