Standards, Assign standards using a k-12 standards list – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
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TurningPoint for Office 2003 User Guide
TurningPoint’s standards tools allow you to use K-12 standards (per state or country, topic, subject and
grade level) or to create your own lists of standards on which participants can be evaluated. For training,
teaching, or testing, standards help you organize the material in your presentation into subject areas,
competencies, or other standards which the participants should meet. You can then view participants’
results by standards using Turning Reports. Find more information in Reports on page 227.
Before you can assign standards to slides in a presentation, you need to select from the K-12 Standards or
create a list of the standards you will be using.
This section describes how to:
Assign Standards Using a K-12 Standards List
Create a Custom Standards List
Assign Custom Standards to Slides
Assign Standards Using a K-12 Standards List
TurningPoint comes with K-12 standards per state or country, topic, subject, and grade level. You can
assign these K-12 standards to individual slides or to the entire presentation.
To create a K-12 Standards List…
Click Tools on the TurningPoint Toolbar and select Standards.