Appendix b, Calculations, Calculating the heat of combustion – Parr Instrument 6100 User Manual

Page 48: General calculations, Thermochemical corrections, Ppendix

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P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y






Calculating the Heat of Combustion

The 6100 Calorimeter will automatically make all of
the calculations necessary to produce a gross heat
of combustion for the sample. However, it is impor-
tant that the user understand these calculations to
ensure the instrument is set up so the calculations
match the procedures and the units are consistent
throughout the process.

General Calculations

The calculation for the gross heat of combustion is
done by:




WT-e1 - e2 - e3






Gross heat of combustion.

T =

Observed temperature rise.

W =

Energy equivalent of the
calorimeter being used.

e1 =

Heat produced by burning the
nitrogen portion of the air trapped
in the bomb to form nitric acid.

e2 =

The heat produced by the
formation of sulfuric acid from the
reaction of sulfur dioxide, water
and oxygen.

e3 =

Heat produced by the heating
wire and cotton thread.

m =

Mass of the sample.

These calculations are made in cal/g and degrees
Celsius and then converted to other units if required.

Temperature Rise

The 6100 Calorimeter produces a corrected tempera-
ture rise reading automatically. Corrections for heat
leaks during the test are applied. (For a complete
discussion of this process see Introduction to Bomb

Calorimetry, Manual No. 483M.)

Energy Equivalent

The energy equivalent (represented by W in the
above formula, or abbreviated as EE) is determined
by standardizing the calorimeter as described in
Appendix C - Standardization. It is an expression of
the amount of energy required to raise the tempera-
ture of the calorimeter one degree. It is commonly
expressed in calories per degree Celsius. Since it
is directly related to the mass of the calorimeter,
it will change whenever any of the components of
the calorimeter (i.e. the bomb, bucket or amount of
water) is changed.

Thermochemical Corrections

Nitric Acid Correction

In the high pressure oxygen environment within the
oxygen bomb, nitrogen that was present as part of
the air trapped in the bomb is burned to nitric oxide
which combines with water vapor to form nitric
acid. All of this heat is artificial since it is not a result
of the sample burning. The nitric acid correction
removes this excess heat from the calculation.

Sulfur Correction

In the oxygen rich atmosphere within the bomb,
sulfur in the sample is oxidized to sulfur trioxide
which combines with water vapor to form sulfuric
acid. This liberates additional heat over the normal
combustion process which converts sulfur to sulfur
dioxide. The sulfur correction removes this excess
heat from the calculation.