Reporting controls menu, Communication controls menu, Menu operating instructions – Parr Instrument 6100 User Manual
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Menu Operating Instructions
P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y
Reporting Controls Menu
Report Width: The column width of the printer being
used can be set to 40 or 80 columns. Select 40 when
the 1758 Printer is used.
Automatic Reporting: Preliminary reports will be
generated at the conclusion of the test and final
reports will be generated as soon as all of the
thermochemical corrections are available when this
automatic reporting feature is turned ON. When this
is turned OFF, reports will only be generated through
the reporting controls.
Automatic Report Destination: Directs the reports
to the printer or the display.
Individual Printed Reports: When set to ON, will
generate header information for each report printed.
In the OFF position, only one header will be printed
for a series of tests.
Edit Final Reports: When set to ON, enables the
user to revise sample weight and thermochemical
Recalculate Final Reports: When set to ON, causes a
recalculation of stored final reports using calibration
data and menu settings currently in the calorimeter.
Use New EE Value in Recalculation: When set to
ON, any recalculation made will use the most recent
EE value in the calculations. In the OFF position, all
calculations will be made using the EE value which
was effective when the test was originally run.
Communication Controls Menu
Communication Controls: Accesses sub-menus
which set the communications protocols for the
printer and balances.
Printer Type: Toggle between Parr 1758 and Generic.
Balance Port: Accesses sub-menu, Balance Port
Communications. Sets the communication param-
eters for the USB port used for the balance port.
Standard options for data bits, parity, stop bits,
handshaking, baud rate and balance type are pro-
vided to match any devices that might be connected
to these ports.