Chapter 6, Corrections & final reports, Manual entry – Parr Instrument 6100 User Manual

Page 26: Fixed corrections, Hapter

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Corrections & Final Reports

P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y





Corrections & Final Reports

Entering Corrections and Obtaining the

Final Report

Final reports for each test can be obtained whenever
the operator is prepared to enter any required cor-
rections for fuse, acid and sulfur.

When entering corrections, the user can choose
either of two methods. These are:

• Manual Entry

• Fixed Corrections

Program and Installation, Chapter 4. provides the
default settings used to setup the method preferred
by the user.

Refer to the Reporting Instructions, Chapter 7, for the
steps necessary to initiate a report from the controller.

Manual Entry

During the reporting process, the controller will
prompt the user to enter the following values:

Fuse Correction: Key in the Fuse Wire Correction
and press the ENTER key. The default setting for this
value is to be entered in calories. The fuse correction
has two components and these are explained in
Appendix B.

Acid Correction: Key in the Acid Correction and
press the ENTER key. The default setting for this
value is to be entered in milliliters of standard alkali
required to titrate total acid or calories.

Sulfur Correction: Key in the Sulfur Correction
and press the ENTER key. The default setting for
this value is to be entered as percent sulfur in the

If fixed values for fuse, acid and sulfur are turned
OFF on the Thermochemical Corrections Page, then
the user must manually enter the values at the

If the Spiking Correction is used, a spiking correction
must be entered before obtaining a Final Report.

After the last entry has been made, the calorimeter
will automatically produce a Final Report.

If values for these corrections are not available,
the operator can use the SKIP key to bypass any
of the corrections; however, a Final Report will not
be printed until an entry is made for fuse, acid and

Fixed Corrections

In many cases, fixed values for fuse and acid can be
used without introducing a significant error since
the corrections are both relatively small and con-

Fixed sulfur corrections can also be used whenever
a series of samples will be tested with a reasonably
constant sulfur content.

Details for applying fixed corrections are found in
Appendix B, Thermochemical Calculations.

Any value set-up as a fixed correction will be auto-
matically applied and the controller will not prompt
the user for this value.