Parr Instrument Performa Therm Liquid Calorimetric Thermometers User Manual
Operating instructions, Parr instrument company

No. 415M
for PerformaTherm
Liquid Calorimetric Thermometers
Inspect each thermometer carefully. Although Parr calorimetric
thermometers are filled with nitrogen above the liquid, this gas filling will
not prevent the liquid separations, which usually develop in a new
thermometer due to temperature extremes and rough handling in
shipment. It is important, therefore, that each new thermometer be
examined carefully for liquid separations and for entrapped gas bubbles
which must be eliminated before the thermometer is installed in a
calorimeter. Procedures for examining a new thermometer and for
rejoining any separations are given in the instructions that follow.
Handle with care. Do not use extreme heat when warming these
thermometers. The best procedure for raising the liquid to the top of the
stem is to warm the bulb in the palm of the hand. Or the bulb can be
immersed in warm water, but the water temperature should never be
higher than 35
°C. Never bring the liquid into the top chamber. Since
thermometers react very quickly to changes in
temperature being measured, it is important that when running the liquid
from a higher temperature to a lower temperature (in the down direction)
you do not surpass a rate of 20
° per minute. When going from a lower to
a higher temperature there is no restriction on rate of rise.
thermometers react to temperature similarly to mercury
thermometers. Once at temperature, leave thermometer in medium being
tested three minutes before reading.
Examine with a magnifier. Examine each new thermometer with the
thermometer reading lens before installing it in a calorimeter. Inspect the
entire liquid thread for separations or gas bubbles and examine the gas
filled chamber above the liquid for any small droplets which may have
become separated from the main body and remain attached to the
capillary wall.
Always store vertically. A calorimetric thermometer in good condition
should never be put away in a drawer. Always store this type of
thermometer in a vertical position, bulb down.
211 Fifty-Third Street, Moline, Illinois 61265 USA
Phone 309/762-7716 Fax 309/762-9453
Telex 270226