Perating, Nstructions – Parr Instrument 6300 User Manual
Page 69

w w w . p a r r i n s t . c o m
Data Logger.
This key toggles the data logging
function ON/OFF.
Data Log Interval.
This key displays the inter-
val of which the selected data is logged. The
interval in seconds is defined in the Select Data
Items sub-menu (normally 12 seconds). This
roughly matches the update interval for the
bucket temperature.
Data Log Destination.
Options are logfile, printer
or both. When the logfile option is selected, the
logfile is located at /flash/log/datalog.csv. The
maximum allowed size for this file is roughly
one megabyte. If the file reaches this size, log-
ging is halted.
Select Data Log Items.
Press this key to access
the Data Log Items sub-menu, which provides
keys for fifteen items that can be individually
selected for logging. By default, both the bucket
and jacket temperatures are logged. All records
are date and time stamped. Helpful items to log
D0 - Corrected calorimeter drift rate
Tsum - Accumulated temperature rise
T1 - Extrapolated temperature rise
C0 - Temperature conversion counter
Data Log Format.
Toggles between Text Format
and Data Format (csv). Data is either logged
with the supporting tag information (text) or in
a comma separated variable (csv) data format
as selected by the user. The text setting is useful
if the data log destination is a printer. The data
(csv) format is especially useful if the data is
ultimately transferred to another computer for
post processing, graphing, etc. The log file can
be transferred to another computer via FTP.
Delete Data Log File.
When this key is pressed the
contents of the data log file are deleted.
View System Log:
This key accesses its sub-menu which displays the con-
tents of /flash/log/messages. This file is used primarily
to log application program debug messages. Press the
PRINT key to print these messages.
User Defined Functions:
This key leads to a sub-menu that offers five special
purpose user/factory definable function keys.