7 safety devices, 8 procedures in the event of hazards and accidents, 1 system check – Martin Christ Alpha 1-2 LDplus User Manual

Page 27: 2 earth conductor check

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Freeze-dryer Alpha 1-2 LDplus

3 Safety

Version 11/2006, Rev. 2.0 of 02/12/2014 • sb


Translation of the original operating manual

Pos: 68 / 200 Christ /36 0 GT -BA La bor -Pilot (S TANDARDMODULE) /03 0 Sicher heit/ 030 -00 70 Sic her heitsei nricht ung en- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- -- @ 25\ mod _14 049 833 091 10_6 8.d ocx @ 183 369 @ 2 @ 1

3.7 Safety devices

Pos: 69 / 200 Christ /36 0 GT -BA La bor -Pilot (S TANDARDMODULE) /03 0 Sicher heit/ 030 -00 70- 001 0 Syst emko ntr olle LD plus @ 31\ mod _14 085 1550 885 6_6 cx @ 2 097 72 @ 3 @ 1

3.7.1 System check

An internal system check system monitors the data transfer and sensor
signals with regard to plausibility. Errors are detected by continuous self-
monitoring of the system. Error messages are displayed in the main
window under "Process & equipment messages" ((see chapter -
"Process and equipment information")).

Pos: 70 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Le erzeil e @ 0\mo d_1 202 116 244 500 _0.d ocx @ 114 @ @ 1

Pos: 71 / 200 Christ /36 0 GT -BA La bor -Pilot (S TANDARDMODULE) /03 0 Sicher heit/ 030 -00 70- 002 0 Sch utzleite rp rüfu ng Alph a - Ga mma, Epsilon 1-4 _2- 4 @ 25\ mod _14 0498 331 146 3_6 cx @ 1 833 97 @ 3 @ 1

3.7.2 Earth conductor check

For the earth conductor check, there is an equipotential bonding screw on
the rear panel of the freeze-dryer. An earth conductor check can be carried
out with the aid of a suitable measuring instrument.

Pos: 72 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Le erzeil e @ 0\mo d_1 202 116 244 500 _0.d ocx @ 114 @ @ 1

Pos: 73 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Le erzeil e @ 0\mo d_1 202 116 244 500 _0.d ocx @ 114 @ @ 1

Pos: 74 / 200 Christ /36 0 GT -BA La bor -Pilot (S TANDARDMODULE) /03 0 Sicher heit/ 030 -00 80 V erh alten bei G efah re n un d Unf ällen Alp ha-G am ma @ 25\ mo d_14 049 833 124 51_ 68.d ocx @ 183 411 @ 2 @ 1


Procedures in the event of hazards and accidents


• A fire in the electrical control system must be extinguished with a CO


fire extinguisher!

• Burning oil must be extinguished with a CO


fire extinguisher or powder

fire extinguisher!

Hazardous electrical incident:
• Set the mains power switch of the control system to the "0" position in

order to interrupt the power supply completely.

• Small-area burns (e.g. finger) should be cooled immediately with

lukewarm water for approximately 2 minutes.

• Large-area burns should not be cooled because of the resulting risk of


• Cover the burns loosely and in a sterile manner (e.g. with a sterile


• Cover the injured person with a blanket.


Pos: 75 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Seite nwechs el @ 0 \mo d_1 202 116 244 312_ 0.d ocx @ 105 @ @ 1