Martin Christ Alpha 1-2 LDplus User Manual

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Freeze-dryer Alpha 1-2 LDplus

2 Layout and mode of operation


Version 11/2006, Rev. 2.0 of 02/12/2014 • sb

Translation of the original operating manual

The end of the main drying phase is reached, when the product
temperature and the shelf temperature are nearly identical. The
temperature difference between the shelf and the product should be
approximately 3 K to 5 K.

Pos: 34 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Le erzeil e @ 0\mo d_1 202 116 244 500 _0.d ocx @ 114 @ @ 1

Pos: 35 / 200 Christ /36 0 GT -BA La bor -Pilot (S TANDARDMODULE) /02 0 Aufb au u nd Wirk ungs weise/ 020 -00 20- 002 0-0 040 Nach trock nun g @ 25\ mod_ 140 498 326 031 0_6 8.docx @ 1 831 31 @ 4 @ 1 Final drying

Final drying is an option whenever one requires a product with minimal
residual moisture. In the physical sense, this process is a desorption
process, i.e. the removal of adsorptively bound water. Final drying is
performed under the lowest possible final pressure that depends on the ice
condenser temperature in accordance with the vapour pressure curve
above ice as well as on the final vacuum of the vacuum pump that is used.
The process is supported by a higher shelf temperature.

Pos: 36 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Le erzeil e @ 0\mo d_1 202 116 244 500 _0.d ocx @ 114 @ @ 1

Pos: 37 / 200 Christ /36 0 GT -BA La bor -Pilot (S TANDARDMODULE) /02 0 Aufb au u nd Wirk ungs weise/ 020 -00 20- 002 0-0 050 T rockn ungs end e u nd Belüf tun g @ 2 5\m od_ 140 498 326 1476 _68 .docx @ 1 831 45 @ 4 @ 1 End of drying and aeration

The end of the drying process is reached when both the product and shelf
temperature are clearly in the positive range (+15 to +20°C) and if their
difference is not greater than 5 K.
Another indication of the end of the drying process is the behaviour of the
vacuum and of the ice condenser temperature. The ice condenser is no
longer subject to load and reaches the final temperature of approximately -
55°C or -85°C. The pressure in the drying chamber decreases in
accordance with the ice condenser temperature.
The vacuum pump will be switched off and the drying chamber will be
aerated via a rubber valve or via the aeration valve. The aeration valve can
also be used to flood the unit with nitrogen or another inert gas instead of
ambient air.
Then, the product can be removed from the unit.

Pos: 38 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Le erzeil e @ 0\mo d_1 202 116 244 500 _0.d ocx @ 114 @ @ 1

Pos: 39 / 200 Christ /36 0 GT -BA La bor -Pilot (S TANDARDMODULE) /02 0 Aufb au u nd Wirk ungs weise/ 020 -00 20- 002 0-0 061 Abta uen H eißg as @ 25\ mod _14 049 8326 342 6_6 8.d ocx @ 1831 73 @ 4 @ 1 Defrosting

Defrosting with hot gas
As standard, the freeze-dryer is equipped with a hot-gas defrosting system.
In order to defrost the ice condenser, heated refrigerant is fed through the
heating coil. In addition, the bottom of the ice condenser chamber is heated
by way of a heating collar.
In order to avoid damage, the condensate must be drained off through the
media drain valve directly after the completion of the defrosting process.
Then, any residual water must be removed from the ice condenser
chamber by way of a cloth.

Pos: 40 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Absch nittswec hsel @ 0\m od_ 120 212 451 406 2_0. docx @ 41 8 @ @ 1

Pos: 41 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/Seite nwechs el @ 0 \mo d_1 202 116 244 312_ 0.d ocx @ 105 @ @ 1