Gps module, Gps module -22 – Eurocom T890M ELEMENT User Manual
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6 - 22 GPS Module
GPS Module
If you have included an Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver module in your
purchase option, you will need to obtain map software suitable for your global loca-
tion. Map software programs are both commercially available and downloadable di-
rectly from the internet.
A Global Positioning System satellite continually transmits high-frequency radio
signals containing the time and location of the satellite in relation to the earth. Your
computer’s GPS receiver obtains information from satellites and calculates your
current position on the planet (to an accuracy of between 3 and 15 meters). Toggle
power to the GPS module using the On-Screen Menu button
For the best quality signal use the optional antenna and screw the antenna into the
GPS Active Aerial Socket at the rear of the computer (see
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