6 > first time start-up setting – Austin Hughes IGM-03 User Manual
Page 41

Step 2.
Click “ Next ” in “ InfraGuard Manager start-up setting ” box
Step 3.
Input the fields of the following window & Click “ Install ”
< 4.6 > First Time Start-up Setting
If the port of web server
is not 80, please input the
appropriate no. here and
follow the instruction in “
Change port no. of web
server“ next page to make
the change effective.
PostgreSQL password can be changed by user.
The password
contain at least three of the following four character groups:
- English uppercase characters ( A through Z )
- English lowercase characters ( a through z )
- Numerals ( 0 through 9 )
- Non-alphabetic characters ( such as !, $, #, % )