10 network link, Network link – ADLINK IMB-S90 User Manual
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IMB-S90 IPMI User’s Manual
3. In IPv4 Configuration, enable Use DHCP to Obtain an IP address automatically
to dynamically configure IPv4 address using DHCP.
4. If the field is disabled, enter the IPv4 Address, Subnet Mask and Default
Gateway in the respective fields.
5. In IPv6 Configuration, if you wish to enable the IPv6 settings, check Enable.
6. If the IPv6 setting is enabled, enable or disable the option Use DHCP for obtaining
the IP address automatically.
7. If the field is disabled, enter the IPv6 Address, Subnet Prefix length and Default
Gateway in the given field.
8. In VLAN Configuration, if you wish to enable the VLAN settings, check Enable.
9. Enter the VLAN ID in the specified field.
10. Enter the VLAN Priority in the specified field.
11. Click Save to save the entries.
12. Click Reset if you want to reset the modified changes.
3.7.10 Network
In MegaRAC GUI, this page is used to configure the network link configuration for
available network interfaces.
To open Network Link page, click Configuration > Network Link from the menu bar. A
sample screenshot of Network Link Page is shown below.
Network Link Page
The fields of Network Link page are explained below.
LAN Interface: Select the required network interface from the list to which the Link speed
and duplex mode to be configured.
Auto Negotiation: This option is enabled to allow the device to perform automatic
configuration to achieve the best possible mode of operation (speed and duplex) over a