2 to add a new role group – ADLINK IMB-S90 User Manual
Page 41

IMB-S90 IPMI User’s Manual
Default Port is 389. For Secure connection, default port is 636.
5. Specify the Bind DN:
Bind DN is a string of 4 to 64 alpha-numeric characters.
It must start with an alphabetical character.
Special Symbols like dot(.), comma(,), hyphen(-), underscore(_), equal-to(=) are
Example: cn=manager,ou=login, dc=domain,dc=com
6. Enter the password in the Password field.
Password must be at least 1 character long.
White space is not allowed.
This field will not allow more than 48 characters.
7. Enter the Search Base. The Search base tells the LDAP server which part of the
external directory tree to search. The search base may be something equivalent to
the organization, group of external directory.
Search base is a string of 4 to 63 alpha-numeric characters.
It must start with an alphabetical character.
Special Symbols like dot(.), comma(,), hyphen(-), underscore(_), equal-to(=) are
Example: ou=login,dc=domain,dc=com
8. Click Save to save the settings.
9. Click Cancel to cancel the modified changes. To add a new Role Group
10. In the LDAP/E-Directory Settings Page, select a blank row and click Add Role
Group or alternatively double click on the blank row to open the Add Role group
Page as shown in the screenshot below.