ADLINK IMB-S90 User Manual
Page 29

IMB-S90 IPMI User’s Manual
Advanced Active Directory Settings Page
2. In the Active Directory Settings, Page, check or uncheck the Enable checkbox to
enable or disable Active Directory Authentication respectively.
Note: If you have enabled Active Directory Authentication, enter the required
information to access the Active Directory server.
3. Specify the Secret user name and password in the Secret User Name and Secret
Password fields respectively.
• Secret username/password for AD is not mandatory. If the AD’s secret
username/password is not provided, AD should be kept in the last location in
PAM order.
• User Name is a string of 1 to 64 alpha-numeric characters.
• It must start with an alphabetical character.
• It is case-sensitive.
• Special characters like comma, period, colon, semicolon, slash, backslash,
square brackets, angle brackets, pipe, equal, plus, asterisk, question mark,
ampersand, double quotes, space are not allowed.
• Password must be at least 6 characters long and will not allow more than 127
• White space is not allowed.
4. Specify the Domain Name for the user in the User Domain Name field. E.g.
5. Specify the time (in seconds) to wait for Active Directory queries to complete in the
Time Out field.
• Default Time out value: 120 seconds.
• Range from 15 to 300 allowed.