3 exporting audio – 3xLOGIC VIGIL Server User Manual

Page 40

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AVI export with no audio configured

Authentic Video export with audio available

Select the destination to which you want to save the footage. You can select multiple destinations, as well as create sub-
directories using the New Folder button.

When choosing to export video (from a playback frames left -edge con-
trol menu,) you will have the option of exporting the selected camera
footage or all cameras footage. Choosing Selected Camera will export
only the currently selected camera footage. Choosing All Cameras will
export footage from all currently displayed cameras to separate files.
The files will have the camera name appended to the filename. Export
progress will be displayed as pictured right.

5.3 Exporting Audio

To export audio in .wav format with no accompanying video footage,

click the

export button and select Audio as WAV File. Use the From

and To date and time boxes to select the range of the audio footage to
export, and select the audio channel to export from the Channel drop-
down menu.


To export audio, an audio channel must be configured in the

VIGIL Server Settings | Audio Tab.

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