5 search tab, 6 cameras tab – 3xLOGIC VIGIL Server User Manual
Page 110

10.5 Search Tab
The Search tab allows configuration of VIGIL Server’s search behaviour.
Limit Search To One
When enabled, the Search window will be limited to performing searches for a single day only.
Quick Retrieve Short
When enabled, the Quick Retrieve drop-down menu in the Search window offers a selection of short inter-
vals of 15 and 30 minutes in addition to the standard choices.
Real-Time Authen-
When enabled, video footage is checked for authenticity while played back from the Search window.
Automatically Enable
When enabled, POS/ATM Data On Screen Display (OSD) will be automatically enabled when playing back
a camera that is set as a Priority POS/ATM Data Camera.
Alarm Playback
Pre/Post Event
Set the amount of time to playback prior to/after an Alarm when playing Alarm footage in the Server
Alarms window.
Export Auditing
Enables mandatory auditing of all video exports. Choose the path where the audit text files will be saved.
10.6 Cameras Tab
The Cameras tab specifies the type of cameras being recorded.
A/C Cameras
Enable A/C Cameras to set VIGIL Server to record footage
from A/C powered cameras. Disable it to record footage from
D/C powered cameras.
Select the appropriate broadcast standard for your cameras:
NTSC or PAL. Choosing the wrong video standard will result
in poor video quality.
On PROSERIES systems, configure the display of the On-
Screen Display Font settings, Camera Name and Date / Time
information on the camera live view.
The Configure OSD button will only appear in
the Server Settings - Cameras Tab on PROSERIES
type systems.
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