Ask Proxima DP2800 User Manual

Page 37

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• Detailed Setup

2. Connect the power cord to a properiy-grounded wall otitiet,

3. Move the AC POWER switch to the ON position. The

projector’s fan wi!t begin to run. If you do not hear the fan,

refer to Chapter s, TroiMeshoming.

4. Turn on your monitor and com|}uter.

CAUTIO^r^! Locate the air intake and exhaust grills on the top
сол?ег and to the left and right sides of the projection mirror
assembly, and the exhaust grills on the rear panel and side of the
projector. Never operate the projector if these grills are dogged or
obstructed, or if the electric fans are no t running.

Figur® 'IS

Allow for proper sir flow!


The lamp chamber gets Ycrg hot during

operation, in particular, the ceramic socket at the lamps base can
get extremely hod Use appropriate care when open.irig the lamp

chamber or changing lamps. Make sure that the lamp chamber
and lamp have cooled for at kast 6 minutes with the fan ranning.
To do so, press the LAMP button ro turn off the lamp and allow
the fan operate for several minutes.

Э-ЭЭ • User’e Guide