Ask Proxima DP2800 User Manual

Page 14

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Chapter 1

• Introducing the Proxima® Desktop Pnojector




The Desktop Projector family includes the following products:

• The Desktop Projector 2800 is a video—ready, active-matrix

multimedia projector for all desktop projection applications.

» The Desktop Projector 2700 is an acttYe-mairix, high-

performance color projector with optional video capabilities.

* The Desktop Projector 2300 is an affordable high quality

color projector for all data desktop projection applications.

This manual covers only the Model DP2800 and the Model





All Proxima Desktop Projectors come Cydops-ready. Cyclops is
an interactive pointer system that functions like a cordless mouse
and lets you control your computer and softw^are from the
projection screen.


You cannot use Cyclops and Proxima’s Presentation

Control Software at the same time. To disable Cyclops aini use
the software, hold the MENU key on the Control Panel down

when you turn the projector power on. This procedure tuiil not

taork with the remote control. To re-enable Cyclops, turn the

projector off and then power it up again.

"1 -2 • User's Guide