CBM America CBM-262 User Manual

Page 114

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(67) Selecting the horizontal size of a bar code (GS w n)

Code: [1D] h + [77] h + n
* (2


6) Data are expressed in Hex code.

Selects the horizontal size of a bar code.

n indicates the number of dots of a fine bar in the horizontal direction.

The initial value of the horizontal size is “n = 3”.

(68) Specifying and Clearing smoothing (GS b n)

Code: [1D] h + [62] h + n
* ( 0


FF) Data are expressed in Hex code.

This command specifies or clears smoothing.

In n, the least significant bit (n0) only is valid.

n0=0: Clears smoothing
n0=1: Specifies smoothing

The object of smoothing is the internal characters and download characters.

Even when smoothing is specified, if either the vertical enlargement rate or the
horizontal enlargement rate is normal even in only one direction, smoothing is not

The initial value is “n0=0".

Input Data Format