Command syntax, Appendix f: serial commands, Appendices ~ appendix f: serial commands – ClearOne AP800 User Manual

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~ Appendix F: Serial Commands

The AP800 accepts serial commands via the serial port; the commands are then

channeled along the G-Link network to all interconnected AP products. The

commands provide the same control as the LCD menu structure, plus several others.

The following commands pertain only to the AP800.

RS-232 Serial Port Protocol 9,600 (default), 19,200 or 38,400 baud, 8 bits,

1 stop bit, no parity

The AP800 will accept the commands outlined in the AP800 Serial

Commands table (see page 40). The structure of serial commands is as follows:

“#” (which signifies the start of a command line), device ID, command, then any

additional options in the order that they appear in the command descriptions on

the following pages.

For example, a command to disable Automatic Gain Control for Mic 2 on

AP800 device “0” would have the command line: #10 AGC 2 0. In this command

line, 1=AP800, 0=unit 0, AGC=command, 2=mic channel, 0=off state). If a

command calls for a “null” value, leave a blank in the command line (i.e. “#10

AGC 2” would return the current AGC state of Mic 2 on device 10).

Commands can be either uppercase or lowercase. Return values are always in

uppercase. For a command to be recognized by the serial port, the command must

be terminated by a carriage return.

Command syntax

The command line uses the following typographic conventions:

Parameters enclosed in “< >” indicate a mandatory



Parameters enclosed in “[ ]” indicate an optional parameter


Parameters separated by a “-” indicate a range between the



Parameters separated by a “,” indicate a list of available



Words in ALL CAPS bold indicate command text


Device type and ID on G-Link network. Valid combinations

depend on connected devices. For an AP800, device type is 1,

and device ID will always be 0–7. If omitted, the product that

first receives the command processes it.


Can be used to set a parameter on all microphone channels,

but it can’t be used to query all mic channels.

Appendix F: Serial Commands