Tuffy Security 157 User Manual

Page 9

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Page 9 of 10 - 01/23/2012 – Rev05192008


Place the Tuffy Bottom Mounting plate (#19 – Fig 8) in the vehicle under the emergency brake handle.


Make sure the 4wd transfer case shifter is in neutral, the transmission is in neutral, and the emergency brake is activated (pulled
up). Be sure vehicle will not roll.


Put a protection barrier (like cardboard) between the bottom of the vertical plastic dash console and the front of the Tuffy
console when installing to prevent scratches on the dash
. (See Fig 8)


Insert the console into the vehicle by maneuvering it over the shift levers, the emergency brake, and the Bottom bracket (#19 –
Fig 8). Be careful not to scratch the plastic dash or tear the seats. This is best done from the rear seat with two people.



Place the Tuffy console in the finished mounting position by lining up all (4) mounting holes on the sides then mark at least one
spot on the vehicle floor under the 3/8” holes in the bottom of the Tuffy console for drilling. (For bolts #6.10 – Fig 8)


Make sure that there is nothing under/on the vehicle that will be damaged by the drill bit when drilling.


Remove the Tuffy console and drill a ¼” pilot hole in each marked spot then drill them out to 3/8” holes. Use touch up paint or
silicone sealant in any drilled holes to prevent rusting.


Place the Tuffy console back in the vehicle. Put a protection barrier (like cardboard) between the bottom of the vertical
plastic dash console and the front of the Tuffy console when installing to prevent scratches on the dash
. (See Fig 8)


Check the height on the Automatic shift bracket (#14 – Fig 4). The front of the console should sit flush on the base of the 4wd
transfer case shifter and flush on the Automatic shift bracket. Adjust as necessary. The mounting holes for the Automatic shift
bracket (#14 – Fig 4) are obrounded for adjustment. It is possible to slightly undo the mounting screws #17.4 – Fig 4) and then
use a rubber mallet to force the bracket to the desired position but if the screws are loosened too much the nut on the backside will
not catch when re-tightening the screw.


Prop the rear of the console up 3-4”. This will make access underneath easier.

Note: The previously installed electronics mounting bracket (#21 – Fig 6) or divider bracket (#22 - Fig 6) can be un-fastened
and moved out of the way to improve access for the following steps (It cannot be completely removed at this point).


With the power turned off connect the Red (Hot) wire terminal (#6.13.4 – Fig 2) to the corresponding “+” terminal and the Black
(Ground) wire terminal (#6.13.4 – Fig 2) to the “-“ terminal on the back of the 12 volt outlet (6.13.1 – Fig 2) and test with a volt
meter. The small bottom center connection inside the outlet should have power while the inside connection on the wall perimeter
should be grounded. If this is not clear test an existing outlet in the vehicle and make sure it matches. Do not test power by
plugging in electronics.


If you are installing electrical equipment inside the console connect all the wires according to the owner’s manual. Check to
make sure the electronic equipment works correctly.


If the vehicle is equipped with the electronic rear window switches; plug the harness (#6.3 – Fig 7) back in and test the switches
to make sure they work correctly.


Make sure all the wires and harnesses are fully protected and that nothing will damage them.


Fasten the Bottom mounting plate (#19 – Fig 8) to the Tuffy console. Be sure the tabs at the bottom of the emergency brake slot
in the console are in the corresponding notch in the Bottom mounting plate and not on top of it (#19 – Fig 8). Start with the screw
under the drink holder then install the other (4) after everything is aligned.


Remove any item propping the rear of the console up and start all (4) original OEM mounting torx screws through the holes in the
sides of the Tuffy console (Illustrated #6.9 – Fig 8). Do not tighten them all the way. Then fasten the entire Tuffy console
assembly down starting with the front driver side screw. Apply pressure to the left driver side of the console when tightening this
screw to ensure the console is flush with the top of the 4wd transfer case shifter when tightened. (See Fig 8)


If the optional additional security steps were done fasten down the Tuffy console using the (2) 5/16-18 x 4 ½” Hex cap screws
(#6.10 – Fig 8), (2) Hex nylon insert nuts (#6.11 – Fig 8), & (4) 5/16” USS washers (#6.12 – Fig 8) through the holes previously
drilled. Do not over tighten.