Top Flite TOPA0160 User Manual
Page 19

Perform steps F7 through F10 only if you are
installing fixed landing gear.
F7. Prepare a set of right wing ribs by using
30-minute epoxy to glue the die-cut 1/8” [3.2mm]
plywood fixed landing gear rib doublers W4G,
W5G and W6G to the die-cut 3/32” [2.4mm] balsa
ribs W4, W5 and W6
exactly as shown in the photo.
Make sure the doublers are on the side of the ribs as
shown in the photo.
F8. Prepare a set of left wing ribs the same way
but use the photo above to make sure you glue the
doublers to the correct side of the ribs.
F9. Remove the shaded area of balsa shown in
the previous two photos after the epoxy is fully cured.
Note: Details for fixed landing gear are shown on the
left wing plan.
F10. Cut slots at the locations suggested in the
sketch in both sets of ribs W2, W3 and W4 for the servo
leads. Make the slots large enough so the connectors
on the ends of your servo leads will pass through.
(See R5)
11. Use a straightedge and a ballpoint pen to mark
a vertical line 1/16” [1.6mm] from the front and back
of the spar notches in both W2 ribs. Use a sharp
hobby knife to lightly cut halfway through the balsa
along the lines. You will remove this section of balsa
to accommodate the spar joiners when it is time to
join the wing.
For clarity, some of the photos show the wing off the
building board without the plan, but of course you
should build your wing over the plan as we do.
Build the right wing panel first so your progress
matches the photos.
❏ ❏
1. Do not use any glue until step 8. Pin a 1/4”
x 3/8” x 36” [6.4 x 9.5 x 914mm] basswood bottom
spar over its location on the plan so the root end
extends past the dashed line by about 1/8” [3.2mm].
Stick the pins through the spar at an angle so they
will not interfere with the spar web when you position
it in the next step.
T-34 Fact: The T-34 ended up being the last
project done by Walter Beech, who died of a heart
attack late in 1950. Of the six prototype/service
test aircraft, only one remains and is on static
display at March AFB.
R6. Use a ballpoint pen to
extend the die-cut
wheel well cutout in both W3 ribs. Cut partway
through the rib along the line so the cutout will be
easier to remove later.
Note: Details for retractable landing gear are
shown on the right wing plan.
R5. Drill 5/32” [4mm] holes and cut slots at the
locations suggested in the sketch in both sets of ribs
W2, W3 and W4 for the retract air lines and servo
leads. Make the slots large enough so the
connectors on the ends of your servo leads will pass
through. Hint: An appropriate size brass tube
sharpened at one end cuts very clean holes.